The Mahahual Marine Restoration Laboratory is a new pilot project in collaboration with the most respected experts and universities in the marine conservation field in Mexico. The opening of the laboratory will allow us to start working in a controlled environment in which we will be able to grow coral colonies ex-situ and start sexual reproduction, among other actions, for an integrated restoration plan. It will be a place to exchange knowledge and to look for sustainable solutions together. Here, our dedicated researchers and interns will be looking for solutions, aiming to restore the fragile balance of our reefs and preserve Mahahual’s marine ecosystem
What will we do:
- Explore innovative solutions for a sustainable marine future: To rescue corals that have been damaged by natural and anthropogenic factors for subsequent reproduction, assisted sexual reproduction of coral recruits for reef restoration, grow herbivores to be reintroduced to the reef.
- Environmental education: To teach about our ongoing projects dedicated to restoring and preserving Mahahual’s precious marine ecosystem.
- Knowledge exchange: To be part of a community of biologists and interns that work and exchange knowledge.
- Community collaboration: To present how you can actively engage in our conservation efforts and make a difference
- This wouldn’t be possible without the incredible help of the @GoodKarmaSquad, who are our dear partners in this new adventure.

We are also incredibly grateful to all our collaborators who will be working with us to bring this project to the next level, being some of the most advanced and recognized researchers in the field of ocean restoration and conservation: @coralium @ITCH @UNAM @ICLyM @Oceanus @EvoDevo @ECOSUR
Thank you to the Mexican authorities for supporting us @CONANP @SEMARNAT, and to the @UnitedNations #GenerationRestoration for including us in the international efforts to restore our precious ecosystems.
Thank you to @WayakCenter who are providing us and the Mahahual community with the perfect space for the laboratory.